Laure Monconduit is Research Director at CNRS at the ICGM, in Montpellier. She has led the research group ”Batteries” since 2011. Her current research directions include the synthesis and characterization of new electrodes materials for Li-ion, and for post-Li storage systems (Na, K, Mg, Ca). She is specialized in the study of conversion, alloys type materials and transition metal oxide compounds as electrode materials, through their synthesis, electrode formulation and electrochemical characterization by advanced in situ and operando characterization techniques (XRD, Mössbauer, XAS, IR-ATR, Raman spectroscopies) A specific attention is paid on the study of the electrode/electrolyte interface to get deeper insight into the electrochemical mechanisms and their failure.
She is/was co-responsible of the thematic group Li-ion of the European network ALISTORE-ERI and of the French network RSE2 ( LM was/is leader or participant of numerous scientific projects, ANR, H2020 (POROUS, VIDICAT, DESTINY). She has also numerous collaborations with industrial partners (SAFT, UMICORE, TOTAL, NANOMAKERS, RENAULT...). She is the author of 170 articles (h index 40) in international peer reviewed journals, of 10 patents in the field of materials for batteries, of 5 book chapters, and editor of 3. She has supervised 28 PhDs, 14 post-doc.