Transport Number Determination and Relevance for Lithium Metal
Batteries Using Localized Highly Concentrated Electrolytes

Hafiz Ahmad Ishfaq, Carolina Cruz Cardona, Elena Tchernychova, Patrik Johansson, Miran Gaberšček,

Robert Dominko, and Sara Drvarič Talian

Chemistry of Materials

Integration of lithium-ion battery recycling into manufacturing through digitalization: A perspective
Imelda Cardenas-Sierra, Utkarsh Vijay, Frederic Aguesse, Nestor Antunano, Elixabete Ayerbe, Lukas Gold, Aleksandra Naumann, Laida Otaegui, Nadir Recham,Simon Stier, Sandro Süß, Lalitha Subramanian, Nicolas Vallin, Gabriela Ventura Silva, Nicolas Von Drachenfels, Dennis Weitze, Alejandro A. Franco

Journal of Power Sources

Probing the structural and electronic heterogeneity of LiVPO4F and KVPO4F positive electrode materials by combined X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy

Jazer Jose H. Togonon, Alessandro Longo, Romain Wernert, Lorenzo Stievano, Mauro Rovezzi, Jean-Noël Chotard, Antonella Iadecola, Laurence Croguennec

Materials Today Chemistry

Ceramic-Rich Composite Separators for High-Voltage Solid-State Batteries

Kevin Vattappara, Martin Finsterbusch, Dina Fattakhova-Rohlfing, Idoia Urdampilleta and Andriy Kvasha


A computational workflow for the simulation of solid state battery electrodes from manufacturing to electrochemical performance

Siwar Ben Hadj Ali, Mohammed Alabdali, Virginie Viallet, Vincent Seznec, Alejandro A. Franco


Direct Recycling Process Using Pressurized CO2 for Li-Ion Battery Positive Electrode Production Scraps

Neil Hayagan, Cyril Aymonier, Laurence Croguennec, Cyril Faure, Jean-Bernard Ledeuil, Mathieu Morcrette, Rémi Dedryvère, Jacob Olchowka, Gilles Philippot


Protective Coating for Stable Cycling of Li-Metal Batteries Based on Cellulose and Single-Ion Conducting Polymer

Mariana Vargas Ordaz, Nejc Pavlin, Matteo Gastaldi, Claudio Gerbaldi, and Robert Dominko

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

Effect of Ligand Variation on Mg Alkoxyborate Electrolytes: Does More Fluorine Help?
Tjaša Pavčnik, Muath Radi, Olivera Lužanin, Rémi Dedryvère, D. S. Tchitchekova, Alexandre Ponrouch, Jan Bitenc, Robert Dominko

Journal of Power Sources

Dehydration Conditions and Ultrafast Rehydration of Prussian White: Phase Transition Dynamics and Implications for Sodium-Ion Batteries
Adélaïde Clavelin, Dat Le Thanh, Ivan Bobrikov, Marcus Fehse, Nicholas E. Drewett, Gabriel A. López, Damien Saurel, Montserrat Galceran
ACS Materials Letters

Effect of Temperature on Intermediate Phases of Na3V2(PO4)3 during Cycling by Operando X-ray Diffraction
Kriti Choudhary Sunkyu Park François Fauth François Rabuel Charles Delacourt Vincent Seznec Jean-Noël Chotard
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

An Alternative Polymer Material to PVDF Binder and Carbon Additive in Li‐Ion Battery Positive Electrode
Ivone Marselina Nugraha, Jacob Olchowka, Cyril Brochon, Delphine Flahaut, Mélanie Bousquet, Benjamin Cabannes-Boue, Rafael Bianchini Nuernberg, Éric Cloutet, Laurence Croguennec
Advanced Science

Safety Aspects of Sodium-Ion Batteries: Prospective Analysis from First Generation Towards More Advanced Systems

Pempa Tshering Bhutia, Sylvie Grugeon, Asmae El Mejdoubi, Stéphane Laruelle, Guy Marlair

Sodium and Potassium storage behaviour in AgNbO3 Perovskite
Metin Orbay, Abbas Khan, Olivier Crosnier, Thierry Brousse, Andrea Balducci
Batteries & Supercaps

Composite Separators with Very High Garnet Content for Solid-State Batteries
Kevin Vattappara,Martin Finsterbusch, Dina Fattakhova-Rohlfing and Andriy Kvasha

2024 roadmap for sustainable batteries

Magda Titirici, Patrik Johansson, Michel Armand, Robert Kerr, Patrick C Howlett, Maria Forsyth, John Brown, Mohammed Alabdali, Utkarsh Vijay et al

Jphys Energy

A holistic review on lithium-ion battery direct recycling from electrolyte to electrodes

Neil Hayagan, Cyril Aymonier, Laurence Croguennec, Mathieu Morcrette, Rémi Dedryvère, Jacob Olchowka, Gilles Philippot
Journal of Materials Chemistry A

A Comprehensive Study on the Parameters Affecting Magnesium Plating/Stripping Kinetics

in Rechargeable Mg Batteries
Muath Radi, Taniya Purkait, Deyana S. Tchitchekova, Alejandro R. Goñi, Robert Markowski, Charlotte Bodin, Cécile Courrèges, Rémi Dedryvère, Alexandre Ponrouch

Advanced Energy Materials

Development of Fluorine-Free Electrolytes for Aqueous-Processed Olivine-Type Phosphate Cathodes

Claudia Limachi; Klaudia Rogala; Marek Broszkiewicz; Marta Cabello; Leszek Niedzicki; Michel Armand; Władysław Wieczorek

Fire hazards of carbonate-based electrolytes for sodium-ion batteries: What changes from lithium-ion batteries?

Pempa Tshering Bhutia, Sylvie Grugeon , Jean-Pierre Bertrand, Ghislain Binotto, Arnaud Bordes, Asmae El Mejdoubi, Stéphane Laruelle, Guy Marlair

Journal of Power Sources

Energy from Garbage: Recycling Heavy Metal-Containing Wastewater Adsorbents for Energy Storage
Marcelo A. Andrade, Olivier Crosnier, Patrik Johansson, Thierry Brousse
Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research

Coupling Liquid Electrochemical TEM and Mass-Spectrometry to Investigate Electrochemical Reactions Occurring in a Na-Ion Battery Anode
Kevyn Gallegos-Moncayo, Nicolas Folastre, Milan Toledo, Hélène Tonnoir, François Rabuel, Grégory Gachot, Da Huo, Arnaud Demortière

Small Methods

Lithium Diffusion-Efficient Ionogels as Polymer Solid Electrolyte for Next-Gen Lithium-Ion Batteries
Boluwatife Igbaroola, Yassine Eddahani, Patrick Howlett, Maria Forsyth, Luke O'Dell, Nicolas Dupré, Jean Le Bideau

Energy & Environmental Materials

Unveiling the Reactivity and the Li-Ion Exchange at the PEO-Li6PS5Cl Interphase: Insights from Solid-State NMR
Pedram Ghorbanzade, Arianna Pesce, Michel Armand, Kerman Gomez, Shanmukaraj Devaraj, Pedro Lopez-Aranguren, and Juan Miguel Lopez del Amo
Journal of Small Structures

The Role of the Anion in Concentrated Electrolytes for Lithium- Sulfur Batteries
Aginmariya Kottarathil, Zaher Slim, Hafiz Ahmad Ishfaq, Steffen Jeschke, Grażyna Zofia Żukowska, Maciej Marczewski, Katarzyna Lech, Patrik Johansson, Wladyslaw Wieczorek
Journal of The Electrochemical Society

FullProfAPP: a graphical user interface for the streamlined automation of powder diffraction data analysis

Oier Arcelus, Juan Rodrıiguez-Carvajal, Nebil A. Katcho, Marine Reynaud, Ashley P. Black, Dimitrios Chatzogiannakis, Carlos Frontera, Jon
Serrano-Sevillano, Maha Ismail, Javier Carrasco, Francois Fauth, M. Rosa Palacin and Montse Casas-Cabanas
Journal of Applied Crystallography

Understanding mechanical stresses upon solid-state battery electrodecycling using discrete element method

Mohammed Alabdali, Franco M. Zanotto, Mehdi Chouchane, Alain C. Ngandjong, Virginie Viallet, Vincent Seznec, Ying Shirley Meng, Alejandro A. Franco

Energy Storage Materials

Lithium storage behaviour of AgNbO3 perovskite: Understanding electrochemical activation and charge storage mechanisms

Abbas Khan, Metin Orbay, Nicolas Dupré, Eric Gautron, Etienne Le Calvez, Olivier Crosnier, Andrea Balducci, Thierry Brousse

Energy Storage Materials

The impact of lithium carbonate on tape cast LLZO battery separators: a balanced interplay between lithium loss and relithiation

Kaouther Touidjine, Melanie Finsterbusch-Rosen, Vivien Kiyek, Swapna Ganapathy, Martin Finsterbusch, Olivier Guillon, Mark Huijben, Erik Kelder,  Marnix Wagemaker, Dina Fattakhova-Rohlfing
Energy Storage Materials

Challenges and Perspectives for Direct Recycling of Electrode Scraps and End-of-Life Lithium-ion Batteries
Neil Hayagan, Insaf Gaalich, Philippe Loubet, Laurence Croguennec, Cyril Aymonier, Gilles Philippot, Jacob Olchowka
Batteries & Supercaps

Combining Polyester-Based Solid Polymer Electrolytes with Lithiated Organic Cathodes for 3.5 V-Class Li-Organic Rechargeable Batteries
Aswadh Shyma Sajeevan, Lou Bernard , Pierre Tran-Van, Daniel Brandell , Stéven Renault , Philippe Poizot
ACS Applied Polymer Materials

Disentangling the ligand and electronic structure in KVPO4F1-xOx positive electrode materials by valence-to-core X-ray emission spectroscopy
Jazer Jose H. Togonon, Antonella Iadecola, Romain Wernert, Kriti Choudhary, Mauro Rovezzi, Jean-Noël Chotard, Lorenzo Stievano, Alessandro Longo, Laurence Croguennec
Energy Storage Materials

Understanding charge transfer dynamics in blended positive electrodes for Li-ion batteries
Dimitrios Chatzogiannakis, Violetta Arszelewska,Pierre-Etienne Cabelguen, François Fauth, Montse Casas-Cabanas, M.Rosa Palacín
Energy Storage Materials

Characterization by NMR Spectroscopy of the SEI Layer Formed on Ti3C2 MXene Materials Prepared with Various Terminations

Sanjay Sunny, Yannick Coppel, Pierre Louis Taberna and Patrice Simon
Journal of The Electrochemical Society

Investigating Cathode Electrolyte Interphase Formation in NMC 811 Primary Particles through Advanced 4D-STEMACOM Analysis

Kevyn Gallegos-Moncayo, Justine Jean, Nicolas Folastre, Arash Jamali, Arnaud Demortière

Influence of the mixing speed in the rheology of NMC622-based Li-ion battery electrode slurries
Diana Zapata Dominguez, Jiahui Xu, Yasmina Boudjema, Siwar Ben Hadj Ali, Franco M. Zanotto, Alejandro A. Franco

Journal of Power Sources Advances

Exploring the electrochemistry of PTCDI for aqueous lithium-ion batteries

John Brown, Martin Karlsmo, Ezoubair Bendadesse, Patrik Johansson and Alexis Grimaud
Energy Storage Materials

Enhanced performance of lithium metal batteries via cyclic fluorinated ether based electrolytes
Hafiz Ahmad Ishfaq, Carolina Cruz Cardona, Elena Tchernychova, Patrik Johansson, Robert Dominko, Sara Drvarič Talian
Energy Storage Materials


Towards understanding the functional mechanism and synergistic effects of LiMn2O4-LiN0.5iMn0.3Co0.2O2 blended positive electrodes for Lithium-ion batteries

Dimitrios Chatzogiannakis, Marcus Fehse, Maria Angeles Cabañero, Natalia Romano, Ashley Black, Damien Saurel, M. Rosa Palacin, Montse Casas-Cabanas

Journal of Power Sources

Downsizing FeNb11O29 anode material through ultrafast solid-state microwave-assisted synthesis for enhanced electrochemical performance

Dat le Thanh, Amandine Guiet, Romain Berthelot, Emmanuelle Suard

Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Influence of the LLZO-PEO interface on the micro- and macro-scale properties of composite polymer electrolytes for solid-state batteries

Pedram Ghorbanzade, Grazia Accardo, Kerman Gomez, Pedro Lopez-Aranguren, Shanmukaraj Devaraj, Carlos Miguel Costa, Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez, Juan Miguel Lopez del Amo

Materials Today Energy

Transport Properties and Local Ions Dynamics in LATP-Based Hybrid Solid Electrolytes

Nicola Boaretto, Pedram Ghorbanzade, Haritz Perez-Furundarena, Leire Meabe, Juan Miguel López del Amo, Isuru E. Gunathilaka, Maria Forsyth, Jörg Schuhmacher, Andreas Roters, Sergey Krachkovskiy, Abdelbast Guerfi, Michel Armand, María Martinez-Ibañez

A Guanidium Salt as a Chaotropic Agent for Aqueous Battery Electrolytes
John Brown, Juan David Forero-Saboya, Benoît Baptiste, Martin Karlsmo, Gwenaëlle Rousse and Alexis Grimaud
Chemical Communications

Towards lithium-free solid-state batteries with nanoscale Ag/Cu sputtered bilayer electrodes

Lorenzo Fallarino, Uzair Naveed Chishti, Arianna Pesce, Grazia Accardo, Amna Rafique, Montserrat Casas-Cabanas, Pedro Lopez-Aranguren
Chemical Communications

A new route to apply nanometric alumina coating on powders by fluidized bed chemical vapor deposition

Sana Aslam, Brigitte Caussat, Abderrahime Sekkat, Hugues Vergnes, Jérôme Esvan, Alessandro Pugliara, Diane Samélor, Nicolas Eshraghi, Constantin Vahlas, Jérémie Auvergniot
Chemical Engineering Journal Advances

A Novel Strategy to Enable Effective Use of Dioxolane-Based Electrolytes in Lithium-Ion Batteries

Metin Orbay, Dr. Desirée Leistenschneider, Christian Leibing, Prof. Dr. Andrea Balducci


Operando X-ray diffraction in transmission geometry « at home » from tape casted electrodes to all-solid-state battery
Kriti Choudhary, Ilda Olivia Santos Mendoza, Arina Nadeina, Dennis Becker, Tristan Lombard, Vincent Seznec, Jean-Noël Chotard
Journal of Power Sources

Microstructurally resolved modeling of all solid-state batteries: Latest progresses, opportunities, and challenges
Mohammed Alabdali,  Franco M. Zanotto, Virginie Viallet, Vincent Seznec, Alejandro A. Franco
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry

Three Dimensional Physical Modeling of the Wet Manufacturing Process of Solid State Battery Electrodes
Mohammed Alabdali, Franco M. Zanotto, Virginie Viallet, Vincent Seznec, Alejandro A. Franco
Journal of Power Sources

With only a grain of salt
John Brown, Alexis Grimaud
Nature Energy

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