Rabail Badar ABBASI

TOPIC 02-03: Multiscale characterization approach to correlation of electrochemical properties of layered oxides to their structure and chemistry

Hosting Institution: NatIonal Institute of Chemistry - SLOVENIA

Secondment: Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste - ITALY

After finishing my bachelors degree from National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan, I started my Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degree in Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion (MESC+) funded by the EACEA. During this time, I not only gained an in-depth understanding of electrochemistry and energy storage systems, but also had the opportunity to create a wide network within the battery field across Europe. As such, I was highly incentivized to pursue a career in the battery world while also actively looking for further collaborations. 

The Marie Sklodowska-Curie COFUND PhD Programme, DESTINY, was therefore an attractive opportunity for me and I was successful in being selected. My topic focuses on the multiscale characterization of high voltage cathode materials for Li-ion batteries, down to the atomic-level. While alternative energy storage systems are being developed at various stages, it is crucial to work upon the sustainability of the present technologies, which is what my PhD topic aims to do.

Within my PhD, I will be doing collaborative work between Slovenia and Italy, from lab-scale to large-scale facilities, and developing my skills to understand the complex reaction mechanisms occurring in the bulk and local regions of the battery. In addition, the collaboration with other DESTINY fellows and the consortium provides an efficient transfer of knowledge which is ever so essential for the future of the battery field.

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