Władysław Wieczorek, is the professor of chemistry (chemical technology ) in Faculty of Chemistry Warsaw University of Technology. He specializes in design and development of new electrolytes and their components for lithium – ion and post lithium –ion batteriesin particular sodium –ion , lithium sulphur as well as fuel cells, supercapacitors and electrochromic devices. His major major scientific achievements are: development of the concept of composite polymeric electrolytes; use of organic anion receptors to enhance lithium conductivity in electrolytes; development of concept of nonaqueous proton conducting gel polymeric electrolytes for application in electrochromic devices and supercapacitors; developemnt of novel family of Huckel type salts for application in electrolytes used in lithium and (or) sodium ion batteries - Licensed in 2018 to the French Chemical Company -Arkema
Prof. Wieczorek is a leader in the field of design and development of new electrolytes and their components for lithium – ion and post lithium –ion batteries in the frame of Alistore ERI and Battery 2030+ initiatives. He is also one of co- funders of the Alistore European Research Institute responsible for task on electrolyte design and formulation. He has over 15 years experince as a member of didactic committee of the Erasmus Mundus Program Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage – MESC.
Number of publications : 165 / Citations : 6132 / Hirsch index : 43
Cellular phone : +48 605125922